
Lakes, Mountains, Deserts

I didn't get a chance to do as much shooting as I wanted so this single roll of film lasted me from Michigan to California! Here are the shots taken with my Pentax 6x7, 105mm f/2.4, Provia 100F.

Pontooning at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior, Michigan:


Joshua Tree:

Offering Rituals at the Tsogyelgar Buddhist Community

Here are some photographs of Buddhist practitioners at the Tsogyelgar Dharma Center participating in an offering ritual to Tara and a stupa.

Shot on a Pentax 6x7, 105mm f/2.4, Portra 160 & 400. 

First Roll with the Pentax!

Here are a few shots from my first roll on my new Pentax 6x7! Shot on Velvia 100.