
Salon Underground | Model Shoot

Here are a few photos from a model shoot showcasing the work of Salon Underground's talented stylists!


Salon Underground is a full service hair salon in Dexter, Michigan.

Check out their website and facebook page!


Portrait Session | Botanical Gardens

Here are a few shots from a portrait session at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens! 

Corporate Headshots | Soma

Here is a corporate headshot I shot for Soma. We worked on his expression - tweaking his smile, eyes and body position until we got the photo that conveyed his solid, intelligent, and dignified presence.

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Website & Photos | Ann Arbor Reflexologist

I took photos, built a website, and setup the Facebook page for Ann Arbor reflexologist, Jackie Stoliker.

Check out her shiny new website I made for her at oh-so-relaxing.com 
Please LIKE her Facebook page at facebook.com/ohsorelaxing

Enjoy her portraits and photos of her at work: 

Saundra Psujek Portrait

Saundra Psujek is a certified health coach from Dexter who needed a portrait for her website set to go live very soon. She coaches people with holistic health options, nutrition, home cooking techniques, among many other things!

She wanted a head shot outdoors in a natural setting which would go with the feel of her business so I took her to White Lotus Farms. White Lotus Farms has gorgeous gardens with blooming flowers and vibrant colors which I thought would make a great backdrop for the type of portrait she had in mind.

We walked around the gardens where I photographed her in several potential settings, had her choose her favorite, then we went back and perfected it. 

Here is her new portrait for her website:


Below are photos of some of the potential settings we experimented with: 

Hip-Hop Head Shots: M.E.C.A.

Rapper M.E.C.A. of BeatLab Entertainment is busy polishing off the last few tracks for his upcoming album. I had the chance to photograph a few head shots and details for his promotional material. Enjoy!: